Step 2: Right-click on Snipping Tool shortcut, click Properties.

Step 3: Under Shortcut tab, click the field next to Shortcut key, and then enter a keyboard shortcut that you would like to use to launch Snipping Too. Note that Windows automatically adds Ctrl + Alt as prefix. So it’s wise to use a shortcut such as Ctrl + Al + S as the keyboard shortcut.

Tip: Please note that you can also pin Snipping tool to the taskbar and then use the Windows key plus numerical key to launch the tool. For instance, if you pinned the Snipping tool to the extreme left of the taskbar (next to the Start icon), then you press Windows + 1 key to launch Snipping tool.

Instructions for Windows 7

Step 1: Go to Start > All programs > Accessories. Right-click on Snipping Tool and select Properties.

Step 2: Move to the Shortcut tab. Select the Shortcut key box, and then press any desired keyboard key as your shortcut to the program.

Step 3: Windows will define the new shortcut to the Snipping Tool and will also embed Ctrl + Alt as the prefix to the shortcut. If you have assigned “S” key to Snipping Tool then you need to press Ctrl + Alt + S to launch, for instance.

Step 4: Click Apply and remember your new keyboard shortcut!

In current versions of Windows the venerable snipping tool (snippingtool.exe) has been updated with improved functionality.

Windows 7 Snipping Tool

This is the Snipping Tool from a Windows 7 lab machine:
Clicking on Options we see:

Screenshot On Mac

Windows 10 Snipping Tool

The below were taken from my Windows 10 build 1803 machine. Note that there are now additional buttons present.
Specifically the Mode and Delay buttons as shown below.
Mode allows you to customise what will be captured.
Delay allows you to delay the capture so you have time to get the exact details ready.
The options are the same as the Windows 7 version:
Is There A Snip Tool For Mac Office 365


Why should you care about the new options? Have to every had the requirement to capture a pop-up menu, but when you press the key to initiate the screen capture the key press dismisses the very thing you want to capture?
This is the perfect example of when to use the delay feature. Set the delay, click new snip and then you will be capture the exact detail you want.
Happy snipping!!!

Office Snip It
